Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Monday, November 29, 2004

Nice start to a new week

It's 3pm, and here I am at home. Definitely a good Monday to start the week.
I'm on leave today. Hectic weekend, so I guess I owe myself a day off. Actually I'd rather have the whole week off. But then, I'm a paid employee - I can't come into the office (or not come :P ) as I please.


I had an open house yesterday. Best!

Well, me being me, I'm always worried if we don't have enough food to serve guests. Of course, not knowing exactly how many people will turn up serves as fuel to fire up this worry even more.
Sibuklah pikir contingency plans, in case lah food tak cukup!

Oh Yam, you worry too much lah.

Tamu yang datang memang ramai, but food was aplenty. A LOT!

Some food memang habis, i.e. makaroni bakar. Some still ada leftover - rendang daging, kuah lodeh (rendang tu elok lagi of course, though the kuah lodeh, ada sikit kena buang lah.. sayang jer, but I don't think it will be good to be eaten today)
Laksa Johor, ayam masak merah, nasi himpit - all habis by the end of the day.
Not too bad eh? :-))

Who came? Kai's friends, Ya's friends, my friends and also a few colleagues from work.
My friends? Some from secondary school, some from A-Level, some from Newcastle, some from workplace.

One friend from secondary school came with her hubby and two kids. The two darlings are absolutely adorable! And, Abah commented that her parenting skill is very good. (OK, I'm not at a place in life where I can comment much on this subject.)

Sha came, with hubby and baby Hans. Mak was holding baby Hans when Sha and hubby were eating. Hmm.. something about the way Mak dukung baby Hans made me wonder if Mak wants a grandchild soon. Hmmm...

One of my friends from A-Level mentioned this: "Yam, nampaknya tunggu rumah kau nyer open house baru boleh jumpa!"
Darlin, if you're reading this, I'm telling you: "That's not true!"


It was a good makan-makan.

To the ones who came, thanks a bunch y'all :-)) I'm really glad I can jamu you all with some homecooked food.


So today feels like a Sunday still.

Aiyoh.. my Monday blues will be on Tuesday! Let's hope there's nothing tomorrow that's gonne give me a headache.

Have a nice week ahead everyone!