Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Gendang Gendut Tali Kecapi...

...Kenyang perut senang hati.

Oooh.. definitely my hati is veryy senang!

My 2 uncles came over for buka puasa today. And we had lots to eat. Not to say lots of variety (tak lah sampai level buffet kat Mandarin Oriental :P), but there are some to choose from:
- Roti kentang
- Bubur Asyura
- Nasi putih with lauk:
- Ikan Patin masak tempoyak
- Daging masak kicap
- Sayur campur
- Pencuci mulut: Pisang

Yummyyyy..!! I started with roti kentang, but by 2nd slice I'm quite full. So I skipped the porridge and went straight to rice with ikan patin. OMG, I swear it. It's SOOO heavenly!

Bubur was for late supper. Hehehe.. I couldn't resist! It was yummilicious as well.

I think there are lots more roti kentang. So I guess I'll be having that for sahur, and buka puasa tomorrow :)

Hmm, maybe we can take a drive to Cyberjaya tomorrow and send some food over to my brother.