Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Sunday, September 24, 2006

So.. what's your doodle?

I've noticed a habit (long time ago pun dah notice dah) of mine.. when I'm on the phone and I can get my hand on a piece of paper and a pen / pencil, I would doodle.
I also doodle when I'm thinking about something (mm, tangan ni gemar betul berjalan :P)

OK, my Microsoft Word program tells me doodle can also be called sribbles, squiggles, drawings, etc.. I'd simply call it 'conteng-conteng' hehe..

Mm.. selalunya.. my doodles would consist of my name (fullname or otherwise), or my initials, or various versions of my signature, or I would be drawing boxes / circles and shade them in, or I would be doodle-ing on the subject matter being discussed / whatever I'm thinking about.

A couple days ago, I doodled again while on the phone. When I hang up, I noticed something different about my contengan: I wrote the name of a very close friend. Lots of it. LOTS.

Hmm.. sejak bila pulak la aku start menulis nama orang lain ni..? :P
(OK, before anyone asks, let me just say that I don't intend to beritau who's the person. Nanti ada yg kecik hati pulak, susah kan? Better keep it to myself je lah hehe..)

* * *

I talked to Sheils on YM sometime last week.

Among many things we talked about, I admitted to Sheils about something I haven't exactly acknowledged lately : I miss being in a relationship.

Interesting eh..?