Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I had a closure last night..

* * *

Met up with the ex for supper.

I texted him earlier yesterday, to let him know that I'm going for umrah next week. Didn't expect him to call me up almost immediately after that. And even more surprised when he asked to meet up for supper.

It was.. good seeing him again.
We didn't exactly ended it in bad terms (bergaduh or anything) - just that.. things were left hanging.. We kinda drifted apart.

And after 2 1/2 years, to see him again.. it certainly didn't feel like it has been 2 years plus. He looked almost the same. And somehow.. it wasn't as awkward as I imagined it would be. We talked. And laughed. Sheesh.. he talked about our first date. Chaits. Hhehe...

I didn't ask him why. I don't know if I want to know why things happen the way it happened.
I just wanted to apologise for.. everything I guess.
And he wanted to do the same - apologise. That's the reason for the meet up.

We exchanged stories. He did the talking more than half of the time. Seems like he had more things happening in his life - compared to boring ol' me LOLs..

He asked me: Bila Yam nak kawin?
I didn't have an answer to that..

I asked him the same question.
He said things have been complicated.

He asked me.. if I was waiting for him...
I said no.
Gosh I certainly didn't expect that question. It never entered my mind.
But afterwards, at home.. I thought about his question. Was I subconsciously still waiting for him? My heart tells me 'No'. But it felt weird thinking about it.

* * *

I forgive him. And I pray for his happiness, dunia dan akhirat. He is a good man. And he deserve good things, a good wife, and a good life.