Good to gather up :)
Then we went home to Mas's place.
OMG... I SOOOOO love her house, right from the moment I stepped in! You should've seen me in those first few minutes - tak sabar2 nak tengok every inch of her bachelor pad!
Babes, aku SUKA giler kat rumah kau. Can I come lepak sometimes..? Hhehehe..
* * *
Gathering was good, of course. Food was PLENTY! Girls, we really need to cut down on our tendency to bring too much. LOLs.. But alhamdulillah, everyone ada bawak balik something :)
We watched a movie called Something New - Mel brought the DVD over. Although I didn't watch the whole movie completely, I managed to catch enough of the movie to understand it. And Mel, I cried at the end. Even with the happy ending, as I told Sheils, that kind of things don't happen to me :P
There were some talking done, although not as much as I would've liked (erm, camner nak borak with DVD and makan and dunno what else..)..
* * *
However.. Mas, Sheils & I did do some talking on Friday.. until about 1.30 in the morning (OK, Mel.. don't freak out.. breathe....)
One of the things I mentioned (and it still plays in my head until this minute), is that.. one of the things I miss out when I'm not married, are my own kids.
I mean, if I don't have my own kids, siapa lah nak doakan aku and sedekah al-Fatihah for me when I'm not around nanti.. kan? As Sheils mentioned.. after a certain period, friends forget. Even close friends.
OK takmo cakap dah. Sensitif lak pagi-pagi ni.
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