Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Monday, December 12, 2005

I went ahead and...

... embarrassed myself recently (I still turn red thinking about it..)

Was on IM with a friend. I wanted to suggest a quick lunch, after which we can go our separate ways (I had another appointment somewhere).

Instead it came out to be something like: "Can we have a quickie and then go our own ways..?"

And of course he - even as busy as he was - immediately zeroed in on the word "quickie".
He must have had a field day laughing at me hehe..

Uhukss.. Malu giler..

I really meant to say quick lunch lah - after all that was the topic we were discussing about.

I don't even know how the word 'quickie' suddenly popped out.