Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Off to Ipoh..

Well, not today though.
Today I'm having lunch with a dear someone, then off to my facial appointment.

Tomorrow morning I'm heading to Ipoh, with Id. Err, at least I think it's Ipoh LOLs.. Or somewhere in that area. (Id, I must warn you, I'm NOT the best co-pilot tau! Hahaha.. now I wonder if we'll ever reach that place!)

One of our former classmates is having his kenduri kahwin at his hometown. The last time I saw him, he was still unattached (or so he said laa). Then during Raya month he asked for everyone's addresses, konon-konon nak datang beraya.
Well, I'll give you three chance to guess: who went ahead and believed him and gave out her home address..

Yeah yeah, I do NOT take hints well. Normally I'll just be all confused or just plain ignore these hints.
Just be direct please. Thank you.

* * *

Ooh.. my lunch errr appointment is cancelled. My friend had to work extra hard lately.. kesian dia.
Hmm, looks like I'll be grabbing a bite to eat.. maybe somewhere in Sogo kot. Or maybe I should makan at Secret Recipe across the road nih. Hmm...

By the way, enjoy your weekend :))