More than just talking
I know I express myself better through writing, rather than verbally. When hanging out with friends, I'd rarely be the one telling the stories - more likely I'll be the one listening to everyone else's updates. When it comes to my turn to open my mouth, trust me it's gonna be a very brief session :P
Which probably explains why I'm more comfortable with non-verbal medium of communications..
Instant Messaging, be it at home (faithful YM), or at work (MSN Messenger. I think Anne must be grinning reading this hehe)..
And SMS (yes, my phone bills can bear witness - my SMS charges normally exceed my calls.. hmm always more than 600 SMS's sent every month.. and these are not busy months like Puasa or Raya time. Hmm.. who do I send SMS's to ek? I wonder...)
And of course emails..
And yes, now my blog hehe..
I remember many times in Newcastle, I would be at home using the PC. Erm, and of course get online too. Sheila would be at the University, working + being online.
And we would chat through IRC. Non stop..!
As if lah we don't talk enough at home LOLs..
She would tell me about the people she sees in the computer lab. I would ramble on about what's on TV. Or whatever else that crosses our minds.
Abah found this out when he was there (Abah, Mak & Ya came to Newcastle to attend my graduation, sometime in July 1999).
Until today Abah still expresses his disbelief: "Yam kat rumah. Sheila kat Uni. You're both housemates. And YET you two still chat online with each other. Why can't you just borak-borak at home?"
Hahahah.. I still don't know how to answer that. Most of the times I'd go: "It's not the same, Bah.."
* * *
I've been using this blog to express myself. To share the stories of my life. To let out my thoughts, and experiences, and feelings. Lepas tension pun banyak gak. :P
Mel recently agreed that I do write better than I talk - and sometimes that could cause herself (and the other Girls too) to not quite understand what's actually going on with me. Well, unless they read the blog, that is. Hehehhe.. even then, I know sometimes the posts here pun can be rather vague. Would rather not to letak names here, eh?
At work, sometimes even at the most busiest, I'd be tempted to send IM to Anne. Or Jikin. Or Al. Or BK. Hahaha.. If 2-3 days go by without me "talking" to either Anne, BK or Al, it's gonna feel weird.
Earlier today, Anne had to "listen" to me rambling on and on about someone frustrating. (Hiihih.. TQ! I owe you big time..)
Thank goodness for these conversations. They keep me sane!
I think last time when Shars was around, we used to email each other A LOT - especially when we're pissed off with some people around here. And, she used to sit just next to me! Hahhahahaha...!!
Yeah yeah, I'm a gone case.. LOLs!
* * *
Anyway, I need to brush up my conversation skills, I think. How lah to get through a date if I mostly keep quiet, and let him do most of the talking?
Errr.. not that I'm going on a date anytime soon....
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