And so the hearts (err.. the minds?) speak
I dunno..
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A couple day ago, while at work (morning I think), suddenly my thoughts turned to an old someone. I even managed to dig out some old mails which he responded to The Girls. Yeah, I was on cloud nine at that time.
Even now, thinking about those old e-mails, I have to suppress my silly grin.
I don't know why I suddenly remembered him a couple days ago, and had this strong urge to read what he wrote.
The funny thing was, that very same night, I saw him on YM. He's never on YM. Well, almost never that is.
(Oh yeah, it's that 'Invisible' feature :P )
And so we chatted for a while. And did some catching up. Well, mostly I updated him on what's been going on in my life, coz he did a lot of asking questions.
Hmm.. either he's good at asking question, or my probing skills have gone rusty. Ekkekekke..
* * *
I'm now thinking if what my friend said is true.
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