Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Friday, October 22, 2004

Friday. Finally.. yeayy..!!

I love Fridays.

It's always a great day when you have the weekends to look forward to. Nevermind that I'm working tomorrow, it will only be a half day. Hmm.. I actually don't have anything planned for the weekend.

Erks! I forgot! Mak has already booked me since Monday. Err.. to do "spring cleaning". Adoi..

OK, I admit it. I'm not the tidiest person to have around. I'm just sooooo lazy to kemas-kemas. I can live in a mess, but it has to be MY mess. If I'm surrounded by other people's scattered things, I get all flustered and uncomfortable and I get this need to escape to another place. Preferably to a place with mess of my own making

I guess that's what I'll be doing this weekend. Cleaning my room. And my almari baju. And the book cabinet. And the storage area at the back of my house. And maybe the garden as well.

Hmm, so that's the plan for the weekend? Hmmmmmm....


Oh yes, did I mention I have a meeting this coming Monday?

At 8-bloody-a.m.

Let's hope I get to stay awake during the meeting.