Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Friday, September 10, 2004

3 jenis hati manusia

Confession: I haven't attended any religious classes for quite some time already.

Why? Hmm... I'm not sure myself. Whatever reason I give would sound like an excuse, so I won't be giving any.

Anyway, after a long time (more than 6 months), the Bank decided to bring back Friday ceramah for the Muslimah. Today, Ustazah Fatima Zahrah was invited as the speaker for the ceramah. Having been absent from majlis ilmu for quite some time, I thought it was due time for me to sit in and listen to whatever ilmu I can get.

The main topic for today was "Hati".


Ada 3 jenis hati manusia:
1. Hati yang selamat
- Iaitu hati yang bertaqwa. Hati ini percaya kepada yang ghaib. Examples: Percaya akan adanya Allah, ada Hari Qiamat. Percaya kepada Qada' dan Qadar.

2. Hati yang sakit ("maridha")
Ada a few petanda hati yang sakit ni, among them:
(a) Orang yang riak – menunjuk-nunjuk, buat kerja coz nak tunjuk pada boss and not because of Allah or because it's an amanah. Rasulullah pernah kata bahawa riak tu adalah salah satu Syirik kecil.
(b) Orang yang takabur
(c) Orang yang berhasad dengki
(d) Orang yang bakhil / kedekut

3. Hati yang mati
- Orang yang hanya fikir pasal dunia, and has nothing on his / her mind about the after-life. Ustazah kata, orang-orang ni yang pegang the concept: "Live to live" and not "Live to die" (by "live to die" she explained that while alive, a person must be prepared for death). She mentioned that orang yang paling rugi are those yang tak ingat langsung pasal mati, and those yang tak bersedia untuk hadapi mati.


I'm praying, that at the end of my journey here on Earth, I will belong to the first group.