Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

No updates. Guilty again!


It's honestly never an intention to neglect this blog.

I've been... mm.. distracted lately.

Lots of things are happening. Some planned. Some not. Some purposely taken up to distract myself from other .. stuff.

Alhamdulillah my err swollen tonsils are swollen no more. Hmm, I'm supposed to keep handy some sugar-free lozenges (maybe letak a couple kat office?). I think ada balance lagi from that visit to the hospital.

* * *

A most beloved friend told me recently:
"He is your forbidden fruit. Consciously, or unconsciously, you are attracted to him. Or his mind."

Honestly I was taken aback for a second at her choice of words. "Forbidden fruit" ? Like.. hehehe drama a bit ek? Hihiihih... :D

But after thinking about it, maybe she got it right. Gosh I don't know.

OK fine, I do know.

Forbidden fruit is.. well.. forbidden.

Duly noted, my dearest. Duly noted.

* * *

Err.. I cut my hair. No don't ask me how it looks like now. Or previously either.

OK Yam. Breathe deeply. Inhale.. exhale.. and say this out loud:
"I do not regret cutting my hair. I do not regret cutting my hair. I do not regret. No regrets. None!"
