Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday night outing

It's only Monday, and earlier today I made plans to meet up with Joy, Ta and Along hehe..

We went to Kg Baru for some long awaited dinner outing. Ingatkan nak suruh Ta "open table" malam ni - almaklum lah rezeki murah lately nih.. Tapi rupanya takder rezeki kitorang malam ni hehe.. Tunggu 3 months, kata Ta.
No worries Ta. Kitorang tuntut tau lagi 3 bulan. Justtt before Joy naik pelamin ahaks!!

Also asked Yus, Linda, Rock and Zief to join us for dinner at Kg Baru. But none of them could make it - perhaps another time eh?
Although.. the 4 of us who did make it to the dinner went for a drive to GE Mall - and met Zief for a while. Hmm.. dah lama gak rupanya tak gathering eh. We should do it soon. VERY soon!

After the impromptu visit, we went to McDee's drive through and got some desserts ehehe.. Kenyang-kenyang pun, still ada tempat for ice cream eh? ;P
And we also made plans for next week.
Wednesday night. Right?

Hmm.. should I stay off iced-drinks for the next few days until Wednesday? Haahahaha!! I'm gonna need my voice, kan? ;))