Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Friday, October 01, 2004

Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat...

...akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua.

Well, that's one of the many famous Malay sayings (do we call it proverbs? I dunno lah).

Anyway, remember Icky Guy a.k.a Parrot? Apparently The Boss had some chit-chat session with Jikin. Guess what The Boss told Jikin? (This is real gold, man)

The Boss: I noticed that Icky Guy would normally repeat whatever I say
Jikin: You baru notice? I dah lama nampak. That's why everytime dia cakap, I will ketuk-ketuk meja like this (she ketuk meja to the tune of "Burung Kakaktua")
The Boss: That's the song "Burung Kakaktua"!
Jikin: Yeah lah. He's like a kakaktua what, just repeating what you say.
(Can you believe she actually said that! And to The Boss!)

And, it seems like The Boss is determined to hentam Icky Guy every chance available. I was told that The Boss went to sit at Icky Guy's place, and asked Icky to do something for her on the computer. Hihihihh... Icky Guy went gelabah, and suddenly he doesn't quite know how to use the computer. Imagine that.

I admit that any staff would be a bit jittery if his/her boss is looking over the shoulder at how work is being done. I would too. But after the initial few minutes, I'm quite sure most people would be OK again.
Obviously NOT the case with Icky Guy. He was so gelabah that I don't think he managed to get anything done while The Boss was looking :P

Well well, looks like Icky Guy's true colour is becoming more and more apparent by the day.