Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

To start something new.. I've realised that there are some things I've got to let go. Maybe tuck them neatly in the past, where they belong.

* * *

I do want to start afresh.

So, I gotta start to let go.

The thing is...
I don't know how

Friday, December 01, 2006

Movie review: Cinta (a.k.a Cinta The Movie)

Before you ask, it wasn't a marathon.

I took yesterday off, and yes, it was for the purpose of watching this movie (haha, won't be getting that 'worker contoh' award nampaknya.. :P). Caught the movie with Leen and Boy.

Been trying to book online / phone booking since Wednesday eve, but I assumed the movie wasn't in TGV's system yet, that's why unsuccessful.

Arrived in KLCC around 11am++, intending to buy tickets for the 1.40 show. Percaya tak it was freakin' SOLD OUT!! OK lah, go to plan B: watch the 4.10 show. Tried phone booking, pun sold out??? Apahal ni?!
Fine fine, I'll go and queue up laaa. I think when I was at the counter, there was like 20 seats left, or less than that..

Hmm.. for opening day, not bad eh?

* * *

It is quite a simple movie, themed on 'LOVE', and hence the title CINTA (Malay translation of LOVE.. well, at least one of the few words to describe 'love' ..)

Plot: Similar to British movie 'Love Actually', this one has 5 love stories, somewhat connected, in one movie.
Often when the word 'love' is mentioned, one would picture a man and a woman happy together. But 'love', really, is more than that. And love stories do not necessarily have to be happy ones..

I really like the story between Rahim Razali and Fatimah Abu Bakar. And I felt strangely connected to the story between Nanu Baharuddin and Que Haidar. For the story between Eizlan Yusof and Fasha Sandha, it was too "romantic novel" for me. Hehehhe..
I think the story between Rashidi Ishak and Rita Rudaini is most common around us. Whether or not we want to accept that it exist is another matter. And whether or not the storyline and the ending is similar to the movie, or completely opposite.. it's up the 'main characters' to decide..

Cast: 10 main actors / actresses in the movie, with 2 main characters in each of the five stories. Plus, a handful of good actors in supporting roles. I don't want to go into too much detail, you guys can actually read it up here (official website).

My faves (in their respective roles) would be Rahim Razali, Fatimah Abu Bakar, Nanu Baharuddin, and errr the little girl who played Rashidi Ishak & Rita Rudaini's daughter. And I think Rashidi Ishak wasn't bad either.

As for Rashidi Ishak's character in the movie, Haris, I do wonder if such man exists...

Verdict: LOVE it. I must've cried some, coz afterwards I noticed my eyes were puffy. Leen cried more than I did, tapi apasal mata kau tak sembab pun? Tak ci weih.. hehe..

* * *

Someone asked me, what did you learn from this movie?

1. Everyone needs love (a.k.a that connection with another human being). Cinta? Sayang? Kasih? Care? Concern?
Call it what you want honey, a rose by any other name smells just as sweet..)
2. We can't make someone love us - love is given on free will, not by force
3. Sometimes.. loving someone also means letting go..

* * *

You know.. for a while, I hated Rita Rudaini's character, Airin. She has.. like.. the perfect husband.. what else do you want, woman? You ungrateful dog :P

But after thinking about it.. she's actually a brave one. To walk out of a marriage that seems perfect, into another relationship based solely on feelings.. Not many would do that. They might think about it, but rarely they would act on those thoughts.

A lot of people (and I mean A LOT here..) would settle for whatever they already have. It's safer that way.. Why let go of something you're sure of, right? Why venture into the unknown?

Mm, I'm not sure I'm that kind of risk-taker.. I'm too much of a coward kot..

* * *

4. Don't settle for less, when you know you can have more. For goodness sake, give yourself some credit!
5. It takes two to tango. Relationship needs BOTH parties to work. Can't have one side always giving, and the other always taking.

* * *

GO WATCH the movie..! Highly recommended

Plus.. Sokonglah industry perfileman Malaysia. :D


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

OST Cinta: Perpisahan - Anuar Zain

Just because I've been in love with this song for quite some time, I'm FORCING you readers to listen to it too.

* * *

Perpisahan - Anuar Zain (OST Cinta)

Kumengerti perpisahan ini
Bukan kerana kau membenci
Tapi kasih yang pernah kuberi
Tiada lagi bersama...

Sering kala aku
Impian nan indah
Tersulam bahagia

Kuharungi hari demi hari
Bersama wajah tak mungkin akan kembali
Tapi hati masih tak terima
Ditinggalkan sengsara...

Keraguan ini bukanlah padamu
Perasaan hati masih rindu
Kekalutan ini hanyalah untukku
Tercari-cari bayanganmu

Tak sanggup aku

Kehilangan mu...
Masih tercari-cari

Keraguan ini bukanlah padamu
Masih tercari-cari bayanganmu
Tak sanggup aku
Kehilangan mu....

(OK, kalau salah lirik tu, minta maaf. Ni based on my ears je.. hehe..)

* * *

But from the reviews I've read... Ramai yang bagi 'thumbs up'. :D

I'm watching the movie tomorrow, with some of the most beloved people in my life. Will write more on the movie afterwards, ya..

* * *

Did I mention that .. aku cuti esok..?


Monday, November 20, 2006

Taking time off..

I took time off from KL over the weekend.
Went to PD for a breath of fresh air.

My weekend was filled with lots of good food, relaxing, watching TV & DVD, food and food, jalan tepi laut, more food, sleep, watching DVD, food, relaxing, food..
Hehe.. you get the drift..

During the 2 days in PD, I must've put on all the weight I've lost during the past 2 months.. LOLs..

* * *

Today doesn't seem as gray as it has been recently.. thank goodness for the small gifts in life.

Have a good week ahead, everyone.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I've been meaning to update.. but somehow lately, words have failed me.

To those expressing concern about the recent 'tones' of my posts, I'm sorry if I cause any alarm. It wasn't my intention.

I'm doing... okay.. the occassional ups-and-downs are part-and-parcel of life, and I'm still alive.

* * *

Maybe the tight schedule of the past week has finally got to me. Maybe it was matters of the heart. Maybe it's the worry of the financial status. I'm not sure which..

But.. Last night.. I was vulnerable. My emotions were running amok - with high tendency to shed tears.

I had to hear a friendly voice.

So I called someone.

Within 10 seconds he could tell that something was not right, I wasn't my usual self. When he asked why my voice was different and if I were down with fever, my voice broke.
He then correctly guessed that I was crying.

I couldn't tell him why I was feeling the way I did. Heck, I couldn't even properly explain it to myself.

We ended up talking.. Just catching up. I told him of my weekend plans. And my plans for next weekend too.

He asked questions. Simple, and safe questions. And I gladly answered. At least it kept my mind from thinking about things that would pull me down again.

* * *

I'm off to PD tomorrow morning, spending the weekend at one of the apartments there.

And next weekend I'll be travelling even further down south.

* * *

I thanked him for listening. And apologised too for keeping him away from what he was doing.

One of the not-so-safe questions he asked: Siapa yang buat Yam sampai down macam ni?
I asked him back: Kenapa terus teka it's a 'siapa' ?

He said, most of the time people feels down and upset, it's because of someone. Not something.
"And I think I'm 80% sure in your case it's a 'someone' yang buat Yam macam ni.."

I kept quiet 'cause I didn't have an answer to that.

* * *

He told me to call him if I ever wanted to talk about what's bothering me. As tempted as I was to grab that offer, I think, for now, I'll be OK.

Thank you for listening. Thank you.

* * *

To everyone, may your weekend be filled with love.
Stay safe ya..

Thursday, November 09, 2006

My dear,
Sometimes I do wish I'm on a different planet..


* * *

And Sheils..? Erm.. in a perfect world, what you said earlier today will most probably take place. And yes, that particular kitten is oh-so-ready for lessons in life :P

Hmm.. tapi, we're not living in a perfect world lah kan..
So.. Can I just grab the little gifts that life hands out to me?


* * *

Oh by the way, I think the kitten is still ever-so-curious..


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mumblings and mutterings (and it's way too early in the morning..)

I can't sleep.
It's past 4am and my eyes are still open. I'm bloody tired, tapi tak boleh tido. Esok keje ni Mariam oi..


* * *

I discovered that I'm beginning to miss my daily dose of conversation with a close friend. Partly due to the long break during Hari Raya..
Partly because.. erm.. I'm not too sure myself.. A (semi) conscious decision?

Ntah lah..

* * *

Wonder why it's easy to talk to some people, while not so with some others? Is it just me, and my conversation skills? (Or the lack of it..)

With certain people in my life, I can just blurt out any topic under the sun, while with some other people I sometimes have to crack my head to think of something to say. Anything will do to just fill up the silence.

And then there's some others, whom I'm just happy to be with, even minus any talks. Filled with comfortable silent moments, you may call it.

* * *

I think I'm suffering from post-Raya-break blues.

Oh btw.. must update something..
Now.. where's that sample a good friend gave me not too long ago..?
And wonder where I kept my personal documents? Hmm...