Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Monday, June 13, 2005

Movie.. reviews?

Went to watch Mr & Mrs Smith at KLCC yesterday, with Lene.


Angelina is sooooo gorgeous. And Brad.. (((sigh..)))
I think they both made a really beautiful couple together. Just think of their babies.. (((sigh again)))

OK, movie review:

A seemingly normal couple. Morning - out to work.
Evening - comes home in time for dinner (which wive 'cooks').
Reality? Both are hired killers. Highly professional.

Until one day they were booked for the same job.
And discovered each other's secret identities. (It seems that he has a weird habit when he wants to take a leak.)

So.. they have to eliminate each other. Being the professionals they are, they both planned to deliver a job well done. But somehow along the way, their personal feelings for each other took over their business side.
Determined to kill. And yet... tak sampai hati? (Note: Brad's monologue at the high-class restaurant - well, it looked high-class to me :P)

And then the fun begins!


Go watch!

* * *

OK, OK. I'm guilty for writing a biased (read: fun & highly recommended) review on the movie.

You see, I love seeing Angelina and Brad on the big screen together.

And I thought Mr. Smith was too adorable when he 'merajuk' when he found out that Mrs Smith has killed more people than he has.. (This one you gotta see, girls!)

* * *

The last movie I watched was on V-Day, with the SchoolGirls. And I wasn't comfortable being in crowded places after the hospital episode. Guess I missed quite a number of good movies for the past few months eh? (Note to self: go get some VCDs laa.. eventhough screen at home is much smaller.. hmmm..)

I could probably use Ijun's list as a guide of the latest movies to catch (see his sidebar!).

But I think I'll refrain myself from Star Wars: Episode 3 for a while - until I can get hold of the other 5 episodes.
Yes, it's true. I haven't watched any of the Star Wars movies. Don't ask me why.
No Ijun, don't ask :P