Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Of wedding bells, and all marriage-related events

Yesterday (Saturday 28th May'05) marked beginning of the 2-week school holiday for Malaysian schools.

As the case always is, our postbox have been getting a steady stream of colourful, scented envelopes - containing wedding invitations. Not mine, of course.

One neighbour's house along my road had a kenduri kahwin yesterday.

Today, Mak Abah attended the wedding of a related-by-marriage lady, my second cousin's wife's sister. Plus I think Cik Z's daughter got engaged today (this one I've yet to confirm, though I do recall An saying something about his sister 'nak bertunang'.)

Next weekend it will be Cuz Du's akad nikah & wedding. Since I'll be in Singapore during his solemnization ceremony (on Friday night) and his bride's side of kenduri / bersanding (on Saturday), I'm only attending the groom's side of kenduri. (That reminds me, I still cannot find his wedding invitation card! Alamak! How lah to get to his house then? Hmm.. must remember to call Cuz Du this Tuesday the latest.)

* * *

I'm off to Singapore on Tuesday - it's been too long since the last time I was there. Just a short visit, though, as I have to get back to KL by Saturday, in order to be able to attend Cuz Du's wedding on Sunday. I'm planning another visit to Singapore, a longer one that time. At least I hope I'll be able to visit most of
the relatives over there.

I remember the last time I visited Singapore, when I came back to work, Jikin emarked that I "left my heart in Singapore" .....

* * *

Still on the subject of wedding bells, last week when I was on IM with Lin at work, she mentioned that Joy will be getting an engagement ring in maybe a few months' time.
Joy! Sampai hati tak kasitau aku! :P

After a few emails exchanged with Joy, I'm sooooo happy to know that InsyaAllah, she'll get engaged soon, and yes in a few months' time.
Alhamdulillah dearie :))
InsyaAllah I'll be there. Wouldn't miss your kenduri!

* * *

To all celebrating their wedding / engagement over this next couple of weeks, my heartiest congratulations to you. May your days ahead be filled with much love, respect and understanding.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Long overdue - an update!

OK, OK... my apologies for not updating sooner than this. Amir is pestering me (see TagBoard at my sidebar LOLs..!). Anne at the office has been reminding me that I haven't updated my blog for quite a while. (Almost 2 weeks eh? No wonder Anne suruh update.. Hahhaha!)

So I have a confession to make.
I'm guilty.

Of being L.A.Z.Y !!

Well, the workload at work didn't help much either. At the end of the day, all I can think of is putting my head on my pillow and get some good night sleep.

I swear it, it's a viscious cycle at the office.
Early of the month I'll be finalising minutes for the previous month's meeting, plus chasing around on matters requiring follow-ups.
Around the 8th or 9th, I'll be checking & analysing some reports for submission to Central Bank on the 10th. And at the same time starting to receive numerous reports from Finance, and starting to sort the figures into some sense - and hence starting the reports for this month's meeting pulak.
Around the 15th onwards, to be ready for the monthly meeting. As such, must ensure reports are finalised; all matters arising from previous months have been attended to by the relevant people.
On meeting day have to be there and take minutes. And after the meeting, would have to start on the minutes again... Back to square one?

If I sound as if I'm whining... well, forgive me.
Because I am - eventhough a little.

* * *

Alhamdulillah, the long weekend gave me some time to recuperate from the hectic week that went by. My parents and I even managed to visit my errr pakcik sedara, in Semenyih. Thought of calling Mr Nun and telling him that I was passing by his housing area, but then, after thinking that I was travelling with Mak Abah, I changed my mind about contacting Mr Nun. (Hahahha! Mr Nun, I don't want to give you the wrong idea pulak: "I nak datang rumah dengan Mak Abah" ... LOLs!)

* * *

I've been thinking of changing my mobile number - the thought have been in my head for quite some time.
So far, I'm seeing more hassle than benefit, of changing the number. I'll have to notify everyone in my phonebook about my new number. Knowing me, I'll bound to miss some people.

Hmm.. I guess it's a 'NO' at this moment.
Unless something significant takes place in the near future, I'll be keeping this number.

* * *

So, eventhough it's a Tuesday, it's gonna feel like a Monday. *sigh*

AND, having the monthly meeting tomorrow does NOT help to brighten the day.
Thank goodness it's not gonna be a 9am meeting.
(I'm counting my blessings.)

To everyone reading, have a productive week ahead. Hang in there, and keep that smile plasted on your face!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Sometimes, we hide our true selves from the people around us

You may not agree with me. You may not even realise it. But I'm willing to bet, most of you out there behave differently when you're with your family, and when you're at work.
Or when you hang out with close friends.
Or new friends.
Or old friends you meet once a blue moon.
Or someone you're dating.
Or someone you used to date.
Or someone you're trying to get lucky with.
Or someone you're avoiding with all your heart.
Or someone you're trying to impress.
Or someone you couldn't be bothered with.
Or your best friend.
Or your cousins.
Or your distant family members, whom you only meet during festive season (once a year lah tu).

There are so many levels of yourself that you have inside you.
Perhaps there's actually no one single person who really knows you - all of you. Except maybe yourself. (Or in some cases, not even your own self would know it...)
So don't be surprised if one day, you realise that you don't know that someone in your life that you think you've known for ages.
Like a wife. Or a husband. Or a best friend. Or a sister. Or a soulmate.

We present different sides of us to different parties in this world.
Why is that so? Why are you so afraid to show Person-A the part of you that Person-B can see? And by the way, which is the real you?

I believe, no matter which of your many 'faces' that you present to the world, you must be true to yourself. Try to remember, at the end of the day, it's yourself that you have to live with.
People come and go. You may try to tie them up to keep them by your side until the end of time, but if it's meant for them to stick around only for a while, then that's the way it's going to be.

Ultimately, if you're unhappy with who you are, you're the one who's going to end up miserable. Even when the whole world is in love with you.
Be true to yourself. Sometimes you just don't need to paint a pretty picture to impress someone. Just BE yourself.

And one thing you must know by now, you really do not need the whole world to love you. Not when you cannot love yourself.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Some people appear bright..

.. until they open their mouths to say something.

* * *

"Brilliant" IT Person: Part 2

I didn't want to step into the office until Monday - despite what happened with the office emails (a.k.a encounter with the "brilliant" IT person).

I think the IT fella called up the office, and talked to my colleague.
Guess what she said?

"Can you get Mariam to ask the people who emailed her to send again those emails?"

OMG! This girl continues to render me speechless.

Let's say I do send an email to everyone (well, almost everyone that is), I imagine it would look something like this:

Dear all,

I've been out of the office for most of last week. In my absence, due to the incompetency of (to check the IT Dept name and insert here), especially one of its staff (to get her name and insert here), my mailbox has been deleted from the server.

As such, could you kindly re-send any email correspondences / attachment files to me, for I no longer have them in my mailbox. Apparently nothing could be recovered. Kindly send again your correspondences, especially those relating to deadlines, meeting schedules and those urgently needing my feedback.

Moreover, as a reminder to us all, let's not keep anything important in our mailbox - such as emails, attachment files, even reminders for appointments, meeting schedules, deadlines to meet.
Simply put, your office email is not to be used to assist with your daily work. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm given such facilty in the first place.

For reminders, try using post-it notes. I'm sure your cubicle could use the yellow-colour to brighten up your mood after such horrid experience dealing with some IT person.


* * *

I'm so very tired. I can't imagine what's going to happen on Monday. I guess I'll just have to wait for that day to come.

* * *

On a personal (and definitely brighter) note, I'll be spending most of tomorrow with The Girls, at Sheils' place. We'll be sort of saying goodbye to the place, as Sheils will be moving out from there by end of this month.

And Sunday is Mother's Day (except in UK / Eire, kan?). Most probably Abah, Mak, my siblings & myself will be having lunch at one of Mak's favourite restaurants :)) Hmm, must remember to make reservation tomorrow!

All in all, I'm wishing you a weekend filled with great times, and much, muuccchh love surrounding you.
(And hopefully, no encounters with "brilliant" IT persons!)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

You're just so bloody 'brilliant'

Dear IT person,

Yes I am the requestor. I requested for the email ID of my ex-colleague (who has resigned in March) to be removed. Since she is no longer with the bank and has already migrated to another country, I was the one who filled up the necessary forms. Hence it was my name that appeared under the column Requestor.

I did instruct in the forms for you remove my ex-colleague's name from the email system of the Company. HER name. It's spelled out in the form as required.

Imagine my surprise when it's MY name which was removed from the Company's email.

You're the one who set up the layout of the forms. You should know where to look for the relevant ID to be deleted. If you think YOUR forms are too complicated, kindly revamp it and make your forms as simple as possible, to ensure no such mistake is repeated.

I cannot tolerate this level of incompetency.

You do something about getting my all the contents of my emails. Coz I assure you if I cannot perform my duties as a result of YOUR inefficiency, you'll hear from me. And so will your bosses.

Work smart. Use some common sense.


* * *

stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid

(tengah sakit hati yg teramat sangat)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Time away from office

Starting Wednesday (tomorrow), I'll be out of the office - attending a 3-day course in Damansara.

Now, eventhough I was born & raised in KL, driving in KL can still be a big challenge for me. Do not ask me to get to Damansara by myself - except maybe to Damansara exit of the NKVE (mind you, ONLY the exit!). I have no idea how to get to 1-Utama.
As for PJ, getting to A&W PJ, PJ Hilton, Armada Hotel & AmCorp Mall would be OK - any other places in PJ I'll be dead-lost.
And don't get me started on Subang area - perhaps I'm only confident to get myself only to SJMC, Subang Parade and Carrefour Subang. Nothing else!

This 3-day course will be held somewhere near Pusat Bandar Damansara. I think I vaguely recall something about err.. the Government offices over there. Did I make my passport there about 4 years ago? Yeah.. I think so.

Ahh.. 3 days away from the office eh? Of course, if the 3 days were spent on some seaside vacation, it would be pure bliss. Instead, I'll be spending those days in some classroom or lecture theatre or something.

But nevermind, I'll be spending time gathering knowledge. Getting acquainted with new people. Exchanging ideas.. (ni tengah console diri sendiri la ni sebenarnya)

* * *

I'm having runny nose. Again. Penat laa.. I've been feeling dehydrated whole day today. Must remember to bring plenty tissue tomorrow to that place.
Hmm, maybe should bring a sweater also - what if it's wayyy cold and I'll be sneezing non-stop? Adoi.. glamour laa daku camni!

*sniffles again*