Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


I've heard people telling me that, if I find an eyelash on my cheek, that means someone out there is missing me.
I can't recall though if it falls on the right cheek means differently than the eyelash being on the left one.

I'm at the office, typing away on the keyboard when I felt something on my cheek. When I checked, I saw 3 eyelashes!

So I thought, there might be a few possibilities:
1) Three different people are missing me right now
2) One someone is missing me BADLY (sampai 3 eyelashes?)
3) I'm shedding, and it starts with the eyelash

So what do you think?


Psst, InsyaAllah I'm feeling much better. Only occassional coughing and throat still a wee bit irritated at times. Thanks everyone! :D