Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Pregnancy & "Mengidam"

LOLs.. OK OK, so I used the word "mengidam" in the title for lack of knowledge of a suitable word to replace it in English. Hahaha..!

Anyway, one of The Girls called me on Thursday. Mel is about 3 months pregnant. And honestly, we haven't talked on the phone for so long (my phone conversations lately are rather limited to making calls to Sheils and Darls.) So I wondered if something's going on in Mel's mind. She asked me if I felt like cooking the baked macaroni (which I used to do a LOT when I was in Newcastle) in the near future, say over the weekend?

And I went: Alahaii, Mel if kau teringin, of course I would make it for you. I'll bake it over the weekend, kay?
Mel: No no, I'll be at my parents' house this weekend.
Me: No worries, I'll keep it in the fridge, and give it to you Monday night. OK?

I've heard of pregnant women having cravings (Gosh! That's the English word for 'mengidam' right?!), and I KNOW some have really weird cravings during pregnancy - food that's only available in that woman's kampung (you husbands, count yourselves lucky if her kampung is in Kajang and not Kuching), eating Lux soap (I swear! A Malay Language teacher - at one tuition centre in KL - shared with us students about one of her 'mengidam' during pregnancy), and many others that I haven't the opportunity to hear of.

But this is Mel, one of my closest friends. And of course I would make the baked macaroni.

And besides, Mak has been asking me, "Yam, bila lagi nak buat your macaroni bakar?"


So 'Baked Macaroni' it is for today's menu! :-)
Hmm... I'm killing 2 birds with 1 stone. See, I can be efficient when I choose to...