Blog This, Blog That

"When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do."

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

The guy with many faces

He's a guy with many faces. Not only talam 2 muka, banyak muka.

I'm talking about the Icky Guy.

Came to office this morning with a long email from Shars. She said the Icky Guy asked her if it's customary for the others (i.e. Mumue, Jikin, Im & myself) to come in slightly later than 9am. Shars answered, Boss said it's OK, coz none of us goes back sharp at 5.30pm. Kiranya dah replace lah tu.
Icky Guy asked Shars, why don't you report to HR about this?
Shars got a shock and said: "No. It's up to the Boss lah."

Guess what Icky Guy said?
"If I raise this up to HR, only by myself, can't work. It should be the two of us..."

And then they both heard Jikin swiped the staff card at the door, so Icky Guy immediately stopped talking to Shars.

Bloody hell. The nerve of that guy!

And he's only 2 weeks working here!

It doesn't take a genius to guess that everyone's pissed off at Icky Guy. Did he naively expect Shars NOT to share this news with others in the department? Did he really expect Shars to take his side? No word at all in front of the rest of us. Ini jenis tikam belakang?

Muntah darah lah like this. HELPP!!